What a few weeks will do to you

Well its been a month now since I set foot in Kokoda. I had updated last week but it seems something happened and the post never went online :/ Pity really. Been a few big weeks since I got back. I was all good for the first few days, then I started getting some really bad stomach pains and other symptons. I was having random fevers at night. But I stuck it out a day or two. Managed to get myself to the doctors the friday after we got back and the doctor told me in his words “I think you have malaria” I freaked out. But turns out I didn’t thank god. But he tells me this after 3 blood tests in 4 days. Damn him. Turns out I bought back some random stomach thing from PNG. O wells… got me out of work for a week!

In other news, A Current Affair has taken on a story about me. They were given a bit of a heads up about all my weight loss from my nutritionist. One the wednesday after I got back they approached me asking if I would be a part of it and if I would do it. I said yes. There has been a hell of a lot of filming for it (over 3 seperate days) but It was definately worth it. I enjoyed every minute of it. Although the big one on one interview was nerve racking I made it through ok. I am constantly getting asked how much I am getting paid for it, but the answer is nothing. I am not in it for the money. I am in it to pass on some inspiration to other people. I was given a push to help me get out there and do something about it all, and I am hoping that my story will be the push for other people. Just hope that no one recognises me to much when I go out.

The last week has been good though, I am back at work and enjoying it. Each day is a new day in my life and each day brings with it new suprises and challenges. Have managed to keep pushing myself each and every day. The weight bottomed out after the week off sick at 88.7kg. But I was back up to 89kg and now comes the new journey of maintaining that weight (or around that weight). Who knows what the future will bring!