i have been such a slacker again lately for not posting anything, but it has been a busy couple of weeks and my mind has been elsewhere. Confusion abounds inside my head and i need to make it stop 🙁 I really wish i could.
Some big things have happened lately. My two friends Brendan and Suzanne got Engaged (finally) and my other friends Blair and Nat got engaged as well (kinda saw this one coming to). To make things even better, Brendan asked me to be his best man and I was honoured to accept such a special duty. I also went to Armin Van buuren as per the below post, it was such a good night, I had so much fun and just relaxed into the music (no drugs involved thank you very much).
Just got back from my Victoria Famil as well with work, which although was short, was a fantastic time. So relaxed and chilled out that I ended up spending a little to much $$$ on some lovely fortified wine (Fergusons Shiraz Forte & De Bortoli Black Noble) plus this excellent hand made chess set from Poland. It looks so good and my project years ago of making a chess set kinda failed (not even sure what happened to that one).
In more good news, Miss Aimee the lovely lady from Adelaide ventures up here next weekend and I finally get to lay my eyes on her (hopefully! if she doesnt pike on me). I have just recently put a photo of her up on my desk at work and the rumours started instantly. Its funny screwing with peoples heads. Yena is worse for it, I have a framed photo of her on my desk (a joke from christmas) and pretty soon that photo may change to someone else. We shall see. Will be funny.
anyway i have to get ready for work, its photo day *sigh*, kill me now.