I was going to be posting about some spotting stuff yesterday but when i woke up… my old computer, laughingly reffered to as Fridge, was D.O.A. She wouldnt boot, no nothing, seemed like the motherboard died. So i did the best thing that any decent person would do… GUT HER! I stripped out what i could salvage (hard drives and sound card mainly) and went in search of a new pc. After 5 hours of waiting and 1 of those hours fighting with the staff at Umart over some parts, i had all the parts i needed for a new pc.

Took me another 5 or so hours to get her running (plenty of fiddling with cables and the like) and she was alive…..
I had brought her to life, she was heavy, she was good looking, she had to be named… Bessie. Like any good farmer he always has a cow named bessie. Well my big fat heavy pc is now named Bessie. Shes a lovely pc, P4 3.4 HT, 1gig DDR2 Ram, 500gig HDD in total (80 & 120 IDE and a 300 SATA2). Radeon X800-GT, 550w power supply ($170 ffs!!) plus my old Audigy 2, all in a beautiful Soprano case. She’s not finished yet. Still need to get the DVD burner fixed up, buying a Cold Cathode, Fan Controller (3 big fans in the case) and something to carry her with cause shes so heavy!!

Anyway time to go to work!!!

My god my body hurts. I just got home from SEQ’s and it was good yet tough. I was with a great team of guys who even though we didnt win every game we did pretty damn well.

My body at the moment feels like it has been beaten with a stick over and over and over…. and i stink as well so i think a shower is in order. Things are going good at the moment… been working a lot so havent been able to update.

For those tracking my shave for a cure pledge donations stand at $231. Its been going a bit slow lately but should pick up soon!!!

I’m to tired to talk more today so shall talk more tommorrow.

Well i’ve finally gotten a donation!!! BOUT TIME!!!! my lovely freind Dee from Bunbury in WA has kindly donated $200… I think she wants to see me skinhead bald…

So come on guys… DONATE DONATE DONATE!!!


Ive been so lazy lately and not posting…. i dont want to be one of those people that only updates their blog like once a month if at all!!!!

Things have been pretty boring lately just work work work work and more work. I do have easter coming up tommorrow but i’m working easter saturday (yay?). I have spent a bucket load of money this week. Tuesday i had to get my car serviced so that was $260. Then i found out i was given $200 for easter and my brain has instantly gone “GET YOUR CAMERA BAG.” I’ve been drooling over this new camera bag for when im travelling. It’s a Crumpler backpack. So i went into the city yesterday and i bought it. Best bag I own. Nice and big with plenty of room but also heaps of protection for the camera. Only $290 though 😐 One thing i did notice is all of my crumpler bags bar one are pretty much the same Oatmeal and Orange Colour… maybe i just like that colour :/

It’s great to meet new people and even better when they share one of your passions. We shall see how things go but i might post about that another day when things work out a bit more…. you know who i’m talking about 😉

Work calls (sadly) so i should probably get ready…. can someone call in sick for me? Maybe tell them that my head exploded? no.. My kidneys failed.. wait to bad… My Ass exploded!… wait not serious enough….. ahh bugger it ill just go to work

I really dont get why people bag out the whole homebrand food thing. I reckon its good. As an example the Homebrand “Milk Chocolate Coated Wafers – Individually Wrapped.” Doesn’t sound outright enticing but to make it known what they really are… Kit Kats. Thats right individually wrapped fun size kit kats. They are yum to! Taste like the real thing but like 1/3 the price. I can get a bag of them for like $2. I hide a bag in my draws at work.

I just dont get why people frown on them so much. I eat a fair amount of homebrand/generic foods. Pasta, Milk, Cheese, Bread to name a few. They all taste good and cost pretty cheap (the milk is $1 a litre and is just as good as pauls).

If someone can explain to me why brand name is better than a generic made by the same company i’d love to hear your reasons….

PS im bored..

What a weekend…. totally different to how i expected it…

It started on friday. It was going to be a special day because the ladies from NSW Holidays in Sydney were coming up for the weekend. Not only were they coming up to meet everyone they were going to work with us and finally become a part of the group and meet everyone. It was good to finally meet the ladies that i’ve spoken with so much and worked with for a while now (well 3 months). It was good to finally put faces to names and voices. Finally getting to meet Megan was good because in my opinion we clicked pretty well considering never known each other but to have someone your familiar with to be emailing or talking to before you meet everyone else helps to break the tension a bit. But sadly Friday i had to work lates so while they were partying at Tin Billys (the pub near work) i was processing faxes and sitting on the consumer line.

Saturday I picked Janice up nice and early and took her down the coast to Movieworld and a weekend away of some freebies! So we enjoyed some free Movieworld entry, checked into our hotel and had a relaxing afternoon. However last night was a great night. I was lucky enough to recieve tickets to the Australian Outback Spectacular’s opening night. It was a fantastic night, i’ve never really been into Country music but last night was good. Lee Kernaghan was there for the after party along with heaps of other celebrities. It was definately a good experience. Free or not i would of enjoyed it regardless.

Today after coming back from the coast I went to a work BBQ in the city at Captain Burke Park. Most people only came with their families. I went to spend some time with the sydney ladies out of work and get to know them. I have to admit they seem like lovely ladies. All very friendly and great to talk to. It was a great chance to see them out of work and get to talk to them about reality not about work. It was funny watching them realise the discounts they can get up in Cairns. I was telling them about discounts in Cairns and how Hot Air Ballooning cost like $25 for the insurance, and i said to Megan “I told you about that one” and she said “I thought you were lying.” Seeing them realise how good it was to have the whole merger for everyone was great.

I no longer feel like there is an us and them between myself and the guys in Sydney and i hope they feel the same. I finished the weekend off by dropping Angie, Megan and her boyfriend off at the Airport. Not a bad weekend i guess. Now for hopefully a good week ahead….

Hrm im a bit hungry… maybe i’ll have some popcorn… better go look in the car for that then…