Normally this kind of post would be written around new years, but a year ago today, I set off on an adventure that changed my life again. Back in 2011 I did the same sort of thing. However this time last year I set off on an adventure back to Australia, one that would set off a whole new life here.

So this time last year, I was packing up my stuff getting ready to begin that long journey home. But I was flying towards the wrong way to go home. Off to the middle east for a few days and then homeward bound. It was a fantastic experience those first few days in a new country, exploring new things. Getting to experience new airlines, new aircraft new airports, even new seats on airlines I had flown before.

My time at home was full of friends, family and even time adventuring with Heidi.  It was such a fantastic time. When we came back, I had plans to work over the summer and maybe start my own business. I found a summer job I really loved and had a great time, but then things changed. Heidi got pregnant. I was going to be a dad. The thought of my own business went to the side, I needed to get a permanent job. Thankfully my summer job wanted me to stay on.

Then I landed myself in hospital to get my gall bladder removed, which was an adventure all on its own. I spent the fall recovering from that, adventures to Disneyland with Heidi and then working on a lot of stuff around the house while I waited to go back to work (long story).

Now the baby is here, I’m back working full time and now life is all kinds of different than a year ago. I do not have any regrets, just a lot of things that didn’t happen and may happen one day. Who knows! A lot can change in a year. It hasn’t felt like it has been a year, it sure felt like it was just yesterday I was sitting on that plane heading east.