Been a bit slack lately by not updating… but ive been busy i swear. Last weekend was a big weekend. I got to go on my first reward weekend for work. Was fantastic. A weekend full of relaxing, luxury and fun. We spent friday night in the Big Brother house. Lots of drinks, food, fun, dancing and just tom foolery. Saturday got to have breakfast with the dolphins and then i could of gone on a shark snorkel but i piked… cause im chicken. We had a very very quick lunch at versace and then on to Couran cove for a very relaxing night and morning.
Was a sad day at work yesterday with Megan’s last day. Although she worked in Sydney she was a very nice girl and it would of been great if she could of worked up in Brisbane. But i will hopefully get to see her while im in Sydney next weekend. Big night tonight, Off to UJ’s soon and then bowling at Strike for Tom’s birthday. Next weekend should be a lot of fun… poker night next friday, Saturday is Australia vs Paraguay at work and then off to Sydney for a family weekend to bury Grandma’s ashes.
*edit* I have also been slightly less lazy now and uploaded some photos from the Reward Weekend. They are mainly of the Big Brother house, i tried to get some artistic photos but well some of them turned out some didnt. From now on all of my phots will be hosted offsite at Picasaweb. They have given me 250mb of photo storage space and its so much easier to use because rather than having to create the web page from picasa manually, i just hit upload and all done 😀
Photos are here