Saturday 23rd March 2024

Woke up at a normal time this morning and because we had the morning free we took it mainly normal, going for a nice walk in the morning (watched the sun rise behind the Opera House) and then headed back to the hotel for breakfast and time to pack up our stuff.  Since we had arranged for late check out, we ended up spending some time sightseeing by going up the Sydney Tower Eye and have some Devonshire tea.

We checked out and requested a DiDi for the ride to the airport. I had a discount code that would get us there for a good price cheaper than what the two train fares would be!  The ride to the airport in the DiDi probably took as long as what the train probably would but it was slightly more comfortable.

We got dropped off at Terminal 3 (Qantas Domestic) right in front of the doors and the place was desolate!  This made it easy as we got Heidi’s bag tag printed and I got my bag sorted using the QTag and unfortunately it took Heidi’s bag tag a few goes to get picked up but it eventually worked.  Then it was time for security which was empty as well.  Sadly though, my experience today was not that great.  They were adamant I was smuggling something in my crotch and made me go off to a private room for a wanding and a pat down and a scan, which was negative of course.  *sigh*.  It was very embarrassing as they were going to make me do it without my shoes on and I told them that was not advised by my doctor (they don’t recommend I walk barefoot).  With it all sorted out, it was finally time to get my stuff and we could explore the terminal.

The place was pretty deserted and there was some flights heading out around the country, but not that many.  Still proof that even in Australia, Saturday afternoon flights are the best.  Our flight was not full at all and a good portion of the seats in the back of the plane were open, which was fine with us as we would have a good chance of keeping an open seat between us (it stayed open… yay!).

We sat around by the gate and got a sandwich to share and then just waited for our flight reading a book.  I had screwed up the time a little and in a way that wouldn’t affect us in a bad way thankfully.  What our boarding time was, I thought was departure time, so we were ready to go a little early.

Qantas Airways – QF926
Sydney to Cairns
Boeing 737-800 (VH-VZC)
Economy Class (Seat 27A)

Boarding: 1515 (Gate 8)
Push Back: 1532
Take Off Roll: 1537 (Runway 16R)
Top of Descent: 1702
Touch Down: 1723 (Runway 15)
Shut Down: 1727 (Gate 20)

Boarding was called for Business class and Heidi was wondering where the call for people with assistance was.  Well they were already onboard as that is what happens when the airline runs the assistance staff, they are all well known already and all lined up and taken care of well ahead of time.  Once the business class had been called everyone lined up on the Economy side waiting to get onboard.  I had to throw some trash away which was next to the line, so I got in line anyway. 

When boarding for Economy was called, everyone else bum rushed the other line, cutting in front of a lot of other people and it was like being cut off on the road.  Everyone made comments to themselves but never said anything and I was too far back to actually care.  Eventually I scanned my boarding pass (making sure not to scan Heidi’s which has happened before) and then it was down the jet bridge onto the aircraft.  There was no double door boarding today and it didn’t really matter as the flight was just over half full anyway.

Boarding was done within about 10-12 minutes of the process beginning and we closed up early and even left the gate early.  We had a stupid quick taxi straight to the end of 16R which was right outside our gate almost.  With no one in front of us, no waiting for any arriving aircraft, we pulled onto the active and the pilots just blasted us off.  They didn’t even have time to give a small talk until we were already on our way out of Sydney!

We climbed out pretty quickly and I did not even notice the seat belt sign coming off and it was nothing like an American domestic flight where the seat belt sign pretty much stays on the whole flight, this was off with no fanfare at all.  No one really got up at all during the flight, it was strange.  We climbed up to cruising altitude and as we climbed up there was a smell filling the cabin.  It smelt pretty good but I assumed it was drifting down from Business class.  I was wrong!

When the service trolleys started coming out one started from the back and considering there was only a few of us back here we got served pretty quickly.  They offered us mini sausage rolls with our beverage of choice.  They smelt really good, they tasted ok, but they were greasy as hell, so I gave most of mine to Heidi since she loves a good sausage roll.  The Bundaberg Ginger beer went down really well with the rolls.  Add on a bottle of water and we were kept pretty well hydrated for our flight.

The aircraft did not have seat back tv’s like the one I was on flying down to Sydney, but it had streaming entertainment and free WiFi so both of these helped while away the 2 hours and 47 minute flight.  We spent most of the flight above cloud cover, so wasn’t really sure where we were, but Flightradar24 helped with that.  When we started to descend it was still cloud cover and for most of the descent into the Cairns area the clouds were still there and then right as we turned over Yorkeys Knob and heading in on final, did the clouds break.  Not that great of a view, but it did the job.

We touched down in Cairns and had a relatively quick taxi to the gate.  They were trying to walk out the steps so that we could disembark from the back, but all I saw out the window was a Qantas staff member arguing with the Menzies staff member for about 5 or more minutes and by the time the back door was opened, everyone else was off the plane so we just went straight out the front.

We stepped off the jetbridge, walked back and forth down the ramps that Cairns is famous for and then when we stepped into the terminal, it looked WAY different to the last time I was in Cairns (2011 I think it was).  The terminal was full of all new food and shopping outlets and we came out into a small, newer looking baggage claim.  While Heidi got the bags, I got the rental car sorted with SIXT and then it was off in our 4WD (thanks to upgrades) off to Palm Cove.

Monday 18th March 2024

Woke up this morning relatively early with my alarm for the first time of the trip in Australia (usually I kept waking up before it) and new that today was the day I started the domestic part of my vacation.  I was flying Qantas domestically in Australia for the first time since 2016 when Heidi and I flew from Melbourne to Brisbane after our overwater flight.  It was pouring down rain when I woke up and that was not to big of a deal as I was going to be inside the house, then in a car, then in the airport so not an issue.

Had some breakfast, got ready and then headed to the airport.  This time rather than use Uber to get to the airport, I was going to use DiDi.  They are kind of like the Lyft of the USA in that they are one of the alternatives to Uber doing pretty much the same thing.  They were better pricing as well and gave me a heap of discount rides to use.  Happy with that! It took me a bit of a roundabout way, but it was peak hour so that was to be expected if it was going to make all of the back streets the best way.

Eventually made it to the airport and was dropped off by the driver in the right spot.  I walked into Check in and it was pretty busy.  Security looked like a shit fight, but that was to be expected for a Monday morning.  I had not seen the check in machines before as they looked different, and I just needed to print a boarding pass.  I was wrong.  Apparently I printed a bag tag instead which I didn’t need as I had my old Qantas Qtag.  So I had to find a staff member to see what I could do and they told me it was too late to use the Qtag, I had to use the printed bag tag that I had gotten.  O well.  So I dropped my suitcase off in the baggage drop and they printed me a boarding pass (on real card stock!).  Off to security I go!

Security was still a bit of a shit fight, but I was sent down to the lanes with the Walk Through Metal Detector which meant I could keep my belt on (no one needs to see my pants come down) but all of your tablets and laptops have to come out and go in their own trays.. *sigh*.  Then just as I am about to walk through a Qantas Staff member came through shouting “Wait please, Wait please, these people need to be scanned right now” and there was a group of 10 following him.  So he moved them all the way to the front and they all looked confused as they made me wait and I just had to stand there waiting for all of them to figure out their lives and go through.  Of course when it was finally my turn, my backpack got pulled aside to be stripped apart again.  *sigh*

Once I had finally gotten my stuff back together, it was off upstairs back into the terminal.  It looked different but also strangely familiar.  The Qantas Pub.. i mean Club was in the same spot and so was the food court (although all the stores had changed).  I found a working bathroom and then just headed off to the gate.  I sat down with a good view of the runway and just chilled out waiting for my flight.  Unbeknownst to me a friend was actually at the gate next to me waiting for his flight and I didn’t find out until AFTER his flight pushed back.  Damn it!

Qantas Airways – QF521
Brisbane to Sydney
Boeing 737-800 (VH-VZR)
Economy Class (Seat 18A)

Boarding: 0952 (Gate 21)
Push Back: 1015
Take Off Roll: 1024 (Runway 01R)
Top of Descent: 1214
Touch Down: 1239 (Runway 34R)
Shut Down: 1248 (Gate 3)

Eventually they started getting all of the wheelchair passengers sorted and called boarding for business class.  Then in true Qantas style, the economy cabin was called and it was a bum rush straight for the one person scanning boarding passes.  Qantas is now using double door boarding in Brisbane so that was a shock and it made the boarding so much easier.  I headed down the steps to to walk out on the ramp and thankfully the rain had stopped.  Across the ramp, up the steps and then try to snap a photo without getting caught as I come in the back steps and them swim upstream to my row right in the middle.

I took my seat and got situated before my two seat mates arrived. This flight was full to the brim so there was not an empty seat anywhere on board.  I swear it felt cramped as hell but it was only for an hour or so in the air and made it tolerable.  The aircraft was fitted with wifi AND seat back entertainment so I got my headphones plugged in and started watching something as the plane began to fill up further.  We pushed back right on time and started taxiing out.  It was a slowish taxi as there was a few planes ahead of us, but still no luck with getting the new runways 🙁

We climbed out towards the bay and quickly turned south and kept climbing up quickly.  I had forgotten how quickly seat belt signs come off and they allow you to do stuff.  The staff were up and getting themselves going quickly as they had a plane to serve with drinks and a “snack” of a lemon myrtle slice.  I wasn’t hungry so kept it for later and took a Bundaberg Ginger Beer just because they had it.

We really were not up in the air all that long as by the time they finished service and then went back through collecting trash we hit top of descent and started heading in towards Sydney.  Sadly we got diverted way out and around but that was fine as I was still watching the show I had selected and when that ended I just unplugged my headphones and it connected via bluetooth to my phone.  Easy as!

We touched down out on the small runway and that meant a bit of a taxi through to Terminal 3 but that just meant plenty of opportunity to plane spot as we went around.  We pulled into Terminal 3 in the low number gates right up next to the Qantas Engineering and there wasn’t much in the hangars (there was a 787-9 though).  As we pulled in they did not allow the use of the back door so it meant a long time waiting for everyone to get off and eventually I was able to move.

Out the door of the aircraft, up the jetbridge (find a bathroom) and down to Baggage claim to wait for my suitcase.  As usual for this trip it was one of the last ones onto the belt and then once I had it, off to the train station for a ride into the city.  Time to explore Sydney for the first time in over a decade.

I made it back to Brisbane just over a week ago and have spent plenty of time with my folks and a little time with some friends to catch up a little. But tomorrow, I am back on the move again, this time off to Sydney to meet up with Heidi. I am SOOOOO excited to see her, I haven’t seen her since the day I left on the 2nd of March, which feels like a month or so ago but has been just over two weeks.

While in Sydney we will get to have so much fun and I will update while I am away on all of the fun times, but I just wanted all my friends to know I am alive, I am good to go even after getting a cold while I was on the move, but it is pretty clear now.

Now to pack… again…. *sigh*

Friday 8th March 2024

Woke up this morning at the Artura Adelaide Airport and had a lazy morning with some breakfast in the hotel (included in my rate) and having a nice conversation with the wife.  Once it was time to leave it was pretty simple.  Lift down to the lobby, check out and then walk across the hotel lobby, directly into the Arrivals area of the airport and up the escalators to departures.  Then just walk up to the Rex area.  It was going to be a new experience with a new airline for me today.

Check in was doing pretty well until my bag was rejected by the bag drop machine.  Then I had to go get it seen by someone who fixed it all up.  Once that was cleared up it was off to security, where BOTH of my bags got pulled aside to be searched AND they made me take off my belt even though it has been fine in other places.  Sigh.  It eventually got all cleared up.  After that I just walked down to the gate and just sat down and used the free wifi for a bit catching up on life.  

After a while the inbound plane showed up and everyone deplaned. They had just wheeled out the the carry on scales and I began to panic.  They had clearly stated that the combined weight of your carry on and personal item was to be no more than 7KG.  My Camera bag, the carry on, weighed over double that.  O boy…. Thankfully, no one ever said anything about it.

Regional Express – ZL906
Adelaide to Brisbane
Boeing 737-800 (VH-8KH)
Economy Class – Seat 3A

Boarding: 1002 (Gate 12)
Push Back: 1027
Take Off Roll: 1036 (Runway 23)
Top of Descent: 1151
Touch Down: 1212 (Runway 19L)
Shut Down: 1217 (Gate 38)

Boarding was called in normal Australian fashion.  Pre Board, Business Class and then… BUM RUSH!.  Yet this system works here because theres no 15 zones, no one is holding stuff up, they use two doors to load the plane and they can fully load the plane in less than half an hour, something you can not do in the states.  The process looks like bedlam and it usually is, but it just works.

I got my boarding pass scanned and headed on down the ramp towards the jetbridge.  Nothing was said about my carry on, so that slid past.  I stepped onto the aircraft and while the outside was Rex, the inside was still Silk Air.  It looked identical to Silk Air, down to the seats and that was something.  Rex has a mixed bag fleet of some ex Virgin and some Ex Silk Air aircraft.  It does the job.  At least they kept a similar Row 3 to the other Ex Virgin Aircraft and that is the seat I had preselected today for an extra couple of bucks.  Worth every cent!

Got myself situated in my seat and made sure my backpack was in the overhead bin as there was no storage in the row in front in this row as theres no curtain, its a hard bulkhead.  It was looking to be a busy flight and someone showed up for the middle but she asked to move closer to the bathroom as she was pregnant, so they moved her right up the back… I will try not to take it as an insult.  Meant a middle seat free!

We closed up early and were off the gate and to the runway very quickly.  This was good, but then we had to hold.  But once the NJE Q400 touched down, we turned onto the active and only had to hold for 30 seconds before it was our turn.  We took off out of Adelaide and the seatbelt sign went off once we cleared 10,000ft.  Totally unlike the states!  But once that was done, not many people were moving about, no one really did much. I didn’t move much at all.  I watched some videos on my phone and they brought around a choice of either Water, Tea or Coffee (had water) and some free mini cookies as a snack.  Not much to choose from, not much to complain about to be honest.

The flight just passed away really quickly and soon enough we started to have our descent into Brisbane.  I figured we had started descent really late, and we didn’t really start descending until over Toowoomba and the outskirts of Ipswich.  We did go a loooong way out of the way to descend with a turn for final over Tangalooma.  That was a shock to me and totally out of the way.

We came in on what is now the Left runway, aka the old runway when coming from over the bay, I was hoping for the new runway but its ok, got a few more flights to tie that one up and then we headed into the gate area.  Being Rex it was heading to the common user gate area so that was a first for me for a looooong time.  

We pulled in and while they took a while getting the jetbridge connected, eventually we were let loose into the terminal.  I walked out into a terminal that looked absolutely nothing the way it had and it was also the first time in a very long time that my folks had not met me at the airport.  They are getting older and not really driving much these days, so I was on my own for getting from the airport to the house, which is what Uber is for right?  I waited for my bag and just like anywhere else in the world that isn’t the USA, my bag took forever.  O well, at least it showed up.  I headed out to the curb to the rideshare pick up and waited for my ride.  Time to head “home”, it had been a long week of travel.

Wednesday 6th March 2024

As I took the elevator down to the lobby I was kind of excited for the upcoming flights.  As I walked up to check out, about 3 staff offered to take my bags which originally I was going to decline, but they told me that the car was already here and they were ready to load everything into the car.  This was not anticipated and quite surprising. Check out took a while and in the end they couldn’t even get it to charge properly so said they would do it later… I hope they forget ;).  Into the car which for me was a first being a BMW Station Wagon (Estate…. sorry) and off to the airport.  About a half hour later, I was dropped off at the Etihad premium check in, why I don’t know.  The driver swore this is where everyone was dropped off for Business Class, even other airlines, but that was not the case as it was clearly Etihad only.

I walked around to the check in area and waited a little bit behind some other people not in Business (sorry…. First Class) holding stuff up.  Once I was helped I saw my bag weight and it was now at 24KG which meant I was screwed for my flight in a couple of days to Brisbane, but I can figure that out later.  Once checked in with boarding passes in hand, I headed for immigration, which was just an electronic border gate, then security, where my camera bag was stripped apart for no apparent reason, but once they let me repack it they seemed to not care.  I stepped out into the Abu Dhabi terminal and my jaw just dropped.  While I had seen a small glimpse on arrival, this place was just impressive.  The scale, the look, how empty it was (apparently 3 in the afternoon is a peaceful time at the airport).  

I headed towards the lounge, and while it was not the Etihad lounge all other airlines in the airport use the “Pearl Lounge”.  It was still a decent lounge.  When I checked in they walked me into an exclusive “First and Business Class section” which was a smaller sectioned off area, and I was the only person in there.  They even offered to bring food in if needed, although I could also go out to the main lounge if I wanted (I didn’t).  I didn’t intend on eating much and they had some nice small light food.  

After sitting in the lounge, reading my book for a while, I headed out from the lounge towards the gate area.  I wanted to see what the airport had to offer.  It was impressive, such an amazing airport and it was still really empty, I was impressed.  I took my time heading to the gate, just enjoying the walk (though my feet probably wouldn’t) and the terminal.  I sat down to wait by the gate for a little bit. 

Qatar Airways – QR1051
Abu Dhabi to Doha Hamad International (AUH-DOH)
Boeing 737 Max 8 (A7-BSE)
First Class – Seat 2A

Boarding: 1658 (Gate B23B)
Push Back: 1748
Take Off Roll: 1804 (Runway 31R)
Top of Descent: 1728
Touch Down: 1744 (Runway 34R)
Shut Down: 1750 (Gate V8)

Boarding was called right on time and as I was ready I headed over towards the gate and got swiped in.  They did tear off part of the boarding pass and thankfully it was not the part with my bag tags, which I was glad for.  I walked down the jetbridge, not being able to get a decent photo (a common theme at these airports for sure) and stepped onboard my first ever 737-8 Max.  It didn’t look much different but the 2 row business.. .sorry First.. Class section was small.  It didn’t matter, this flight was short, stupid short.  The cabin was almost full and by the time the doors closed, just one seat was empty.  

As the door closed up and we began to push back, we took our time getting to the runway but after a powerful take off roll, we were up in the sky and headed for the short flight to Qatar.  After we had barely cleared 4000ft the flight attendants were up and getting our meal options ready.  Not everyone was eating, but everyone had drink orders etc.  It was a sight for sure, to be served a meal (albeit more a snack) on a flight time of 50 minutes (shorter in our case).  While not a big meal, it was still impressive and really tasty. I had the vegie option and it was quite delicious.  It was delicious and hit the spot nicely as it would be a while until my next full meal.  I probably wouldn’t eat in the lounge, while I could, I didn’t really have much time there.

We started our descent over the water directly into Doha’s runways coming in on the side with the royal terminal.  We touched down and taxiied away from the main terminal area.  This meant a bus gate.  Which while to some it might be bad, I was hoping, for one simple reason.  The buses take you directly to immigration or transfers.  No long long walks, just up the escalators and straight in.  Simple as pie!  

Thankfully this time there was no stripping of my camera bag but I knew that was coming thanks to Australian laws for entry from the middle east, why I needed to go to the gate early.  I made my way towards the lounge after stopping for a photo of the creepiest teddy bear known to man.  Before heading up into the lounge, I asked if I was better off heading to the one in the “Garden” area and they said that this one was closer, so I just stayed with the Al Marjoun lounge, the original one.

Now I had been to Hamad International back in 2012 when the place was still being built and it was amazing to see it in full blown now, even more than when it was set up back then.  The lounge was impressive and the main things I wanted to do was get some water for medication purposes and to just relax before my flight.  I didn’t have much time though, as I knew I would need to be at the gate early and they claimed they started an hour early, but with additional security, I am sure it would be probably more.  

After chiling out for a short while, I collected my things and headed for the gate, I took some time to walk past some of the shops, take a few photos.  As I approached, before I could even gather my stuff ready for the security check, they started scanning people in.  An hour and a half before departure…. I expected that! Does this count as boarding started, or is it preboarding.  I got out my stuff and they decided it was time to confiscate half my water bottle, which meant I had to down in right there and then, sadly.  Now it was time to have my bag scanned.  O well, knew it was coming.  It got swabbed multiple times, along with me. It was negative, as expected.

I handed over my boarding pass to the gate agent who asked if i was flying to Kathmandu.  I wasn’t sure if this was a test on me, or he was just joking.  He was obviously making a mistake, but it was a funny moment and I did ask him if it was a test and he laughed.  He scanned me in and told me to go sit in the priority area.  It was then I noticed that the gate area was split up into zone seating, which was surprising, but made perfect sense.  Time for more waiting and sadly no access to a bathroom after downing half a bottle of water.

Qatar Airways – QR914
Doha Hamad International to Adelaide
Boeing 777-300ER (A7-BET)
Business Class – Seat 5A

Boarding: 1958 (Gate C5)
Push Back: 2047
Take Off Roll: 2102 (Runway 34R)
Top of Descent: 1625
Touch Down: 1702 (Runway 23)
Shut Down: 1713 (Gate 18R)

Right at 40 minutes prior to departure, boarding was called and the bum rush of priority passengers happened.  It was time to head towards the mother country, while not my city, it didn’t matter.  I was heading home.  I walked down the jet bridge and boarded into the 777 and saw the Qsuite product.  It was impressive.  I took as many pictures as I could and then got situated in the seat, it was exciting.  I had seen so many things written abou this product over the years and I finally would get to experience it.  The seat was incredible, way more comfortable than the Turkish Airlines product, and much more spacious.  The only strange thing for this flight for me would be facing backwards the whole time.  That was going to take some getting used to.

Service was great getting everything set up and it took a while to not be impressed by everything, so much so I almost forgot to put in my ear plugs before departure (the door was just shutting when I remembered… woops!).  There was so many amenities with the amenity kit, pyjamas, two pillows, the offer of a mattress pad later on, menus, drinks, hand towells.  The only thing that was not offered was Arabic Coffee and dates, which was suprising.

We pushed back and followed an A380 towards the runway, taking off on the same runway we landed not so long ago on.  The A380 was probably heading to Australia as all the Aussie flights were going around the same time.  As we lined up, listening to that GE90 power up was like the sound of the gods.  Those two powerful GE90s just sucked in the world and spat it out the other end.  We were not taking off, we were pushing the world away from our plane.  Can you tell I enjoy a good GE90 take off and it has been a loooong time (2016) since I got my last hit.

We took off and it was dark out and not much to see, once we passed 5000ft the crew came around closing the windows, including mine, even though I didn’t really want this, I guess I don’t get a choice.  We climbed out with a fair amount of bumps and the crew got the meal service started quickly, much quicker than I expected and I was happy with this.  I just wanted to get some rest for a little bit.  The meal was great and delicious and hit the spot.  It was a little fancy for me, but not at all too bad.  The dessert was amazing looking.  Food on Qatar gets a tick over Turkish… for sure!

After the meal it took a while for the seat belt sign to come off as it had been pretty bumpy.  Once that was lifted and a bathroom stop was done, I let them know to prep the bed for me if they could and I would try and get some rest.  I finished watching the movie that I was watching and then turned off the screen to try and get some sleep.  While it wasn’t full on sleep it was good enough.  It got pretty bumpy and so rather than try to sleep on my side or stomach, I lifted the back of the seat a touch and just slept on my back, or at least tried.

I got some rest for a number of hours and woke up with about 7 or 8 hours to go, not entirely sure.  I started watching another video and waited for the bumping to stop.  A coffee (iced would help get my body back on a normal time line).  It was very very bumpy for a good period of the flight, it wasn’t awful turbulence, but it was tolerable, apart from the seatbelt sign.  Once lifted I got up and hit the restroom and grabbed the laptop to work on the trip report.  It was just time to watch a movie and chill as we flew toawrds Australia.  Most of the flight was going to be over water, I hadn’t seen any land since we left Doha and the Arabian Peninsula, 

As we flew along I got a snack of some cookies and a sprite and started another movie I kept waiting for the flight to head towards Australian airspace, I was excited yet also confused at the same time.  It had been so long since I had been home to aus, i wasn’t sure just how life was going to be for everything there.  Would the changes be something I was ok with, or would I be too used to life in the states that it would just be too much.  I know that part of me was also missing my wife who was now half a world away (although by the time I land, she would be asleep again probably… lols).

As we got closer and closer to Adelaide, and the Australian coast, they started to serve “Breakfast”.  I get that back in the middle east it was breakfast time, but over here in Australia it would be getting towards afternoon tea.  I selected from the breakfast menu, but to be honest I probably should have selected the “Afternoon Tea” from the snack menu, but o well.  

Breakfast was a multi course affair and I still kept it light having some cereal and a coconut chia pudding, and both were delicious along with a croissant (or at least what passes for one on an airline) and it tasted pretty good.  After cleaning up by we were just passing WA and crossing the Great Australian Bight heading for South Australia.  It was time to start getting ready for arrival into Adelaide.  Time to fill out my arrival card etc.  It was finally getting real.  They came around wanting to pack up all the bedding as well and I let them do that while I got myself sorted for an arrival.

We started to descend and this is when things started to feel strange, as I was sitting backwards and it was going down with me facing back up to the sky, it was a strange feeling for sure.  We descended and I really couldn’t see much without fully craning my neck around but we came in over Adelaide city and touched down on the runway shortly after.  I was back in Australia after almost 8 years.  We took almost the whole runway to stop (not surprising) and the taxi back took forever, and then it was pulling into the gate.  We were the biggest plane on the gate and it looked funny seeing this giant 777 surrounded by 737s or A320s or the occasional Dash 8.  We certainly stood out!

Once the doors opened we were let loose into the terminal and while I was third off the aircraft, someone stepped aside to let me pass and I was behind someone who had been moved off the Brisbane flight and was trying to connect.  They were on an extremely tight connection and part of the reason I didn’t do it!  I had a bit of a conversation with someone at Border Force because I forgot to sign my arrival card (idiot me!) and then waited for my bag.  I declared the date chocolates I had bought in Abu Dhabi and they didn’t really care all that much and sent me down the Green Lane.  Within 15-20 minutes of pulling into the airport,  I was walking into Australia!

I headed across the arrivals area towards the airport hotel for the night.  I wanted to get my stuff stashed before heading downtown to pick up a sim card and crash out for the night!

Monday 4th March 2024

After walking out of the customs area directly in front was a line of drivers and one of them even had my name on it! While I am the kind of person who would generally use public transit to get to a hotel and if that isn’t really an option, then I would use the cheapest possible way. Well arriving at 2am after 2 long flights, you kind of change that priority. I arranged a limo through the agent who booked my hotel (she got the hotel to arrange it) and prices were pretty much the same as what I could find online for the same thing and it was a god send. The person holding the sign, took my suitcase and camera bag (as they were held together) and I just followed him. He took me towards the parking garage and a few moments later a nice looking Audi sedan rolled up and he opened the door and told me to hop in. Into the trunk went my bags and they even suggested I put my backpack in the trunk too, but I always keep that next to me and I had stuff to rearrange anyway.

This car ride was perfect, I didn’t need to really think, they just took me straight to the hotel and they knew exactly where to take me. At 230 in the morning the ride flew by and it’s not a close drive to the airport, it’s a good 30 minutes out of the downtown Abu Dhabi. But when you are so tired and you just want to rest, it works. We made it to the hotel and I checked in as quickly as possible. I was staying at the Sofitel Abu Dhabi. Why this hotel? Well the agent we use for some stuff who has benefits got us a great deal on the hotel. $100 food and beverage credit (apparently not available for room service sadly) and breakfast daily. Upgrade and Late Check out subject to availability, but the kicker for this hotel was Stay 3 Pay 2. Meaning the fact I have to prebook a hotel so I can check in at 3am and not have to pay for it…. SCORE!

I was helped with my bags to the room and while I didn’t pay too much attention, the job that moment was get out of my clothes into some PJs and get some sleep. I had a pick up scheduled for a few hours away for a day tour up to Dubai. Why that same day, well they don’t offer it all days apparently, why, I don’t know. I got about 3 hours of sleep before realizing my alarm did not go off (or I slept through it) and it was about an hour away from when I was meant to be picked up. So I rushed to have a shower and get respectable and get down to breakfast.

I had a small light breakfast as I was in a rush and didn’t really take full effect of the buffet (but then it wasn’t really in the plans after only a few hours of sleep) but the main thing that was added was an Americano to help get me going. With a few minutes to spare, I head up to the room to use the bathroom, grab my backpack and get back downstairs. The room looked like a bomb hit it, but that was ok.

I was picked up shortly after (and the driver was a little late) by Grayline UAE who were going to take me up to Dubai for the day. The trip was meant to be all day and it certainly was! We had to make some pick ups around at different hotels before swapping people with other drivers and then it was off to Dubai. The freeway was brilliant and the mini bus had pre recorded commentary so it was nice to learn a lot of stuff. While it was that kind of commentary that makes it feel very touristy, it helped because our driver didn’t seem to speak much English.

We got to stop at a lot of different places for a bit here and there to go and take photos or shop. The main draw for me that day was the Burj Khalifa and we stopped at Dubai Mall for several hours. They gave us four hours to go up and down Burj Khalifa and it took a solid 2! It was worth it even with the poor visibility and the crowds. By this time I was almost a walking zombie and having not eaten since breakfast, I was now past the point where I wanted food and just wanted to sleep. Thankfully the people who were on the tour with me were really nice and that helped pass the time. After finishing the observation deck I just wandered aimlessly for a little while to just chill out and then wait for the pick up back to the city.

By the time we got back to the hotel it was after 730pm and I had been sooo tired. Since I couldn’t use the credit on room service my credit options for dinner were with the lobby cafe or the restaurant. I decided on the restaurant as it had lots of choice and I was just not in the mood to think too much. So buffet dinner it is! Once finished dinner I went up the room and tried to clean up my mess a bit before heading to bed, tomorrow would be another full day of tours.

Tuesday 5th March 2024

So this morning was a little bit more relaxed with plenty of time in the morning to rest. While I was still being picked up, it was much later than yesterday and meant I could really just relax. This was fairly easy as I was still pretty tired, even after a solid 8 or more hours of sleep. I could have gone for a walk but it was actually raining outside! This meant a bit more of a sit in bed and catch up on the world. After getting a nice long relaxing breakfast and then getting myself packed for a big day ahead, I went out to the driveway to wait to be picked up.

This mornings tour was just a general Abu Dhabi city tour with the big draw card for me being the Date Market and the Grand Mosque. The Mosque was our first stop after picking up people from hotels and it did not disappoint. The mosque was massive and even had its own shopping mall for visitors to it (it gets 20 to 30 thousands visitors A DAY. It was extremely impressive and had staggering facts like the main male prayer room carpet weighs 35 TONNES!.

After the mosque we drove around a few areas of Abu Dhabi and then stopped at the Date Market. It was not exactly what I was expecting BUT was more like a wholesale market kind of place. We were of course taken to one specific store first (who probably gave kickbacks to the company) but what I bought was a good deal in my mind and I couldn’t really tell any different. It was in the same area as the whole fruit and veg/meat/seafood markets, so a place I would have wanted to visit anyway.

I was getting a little panicky by this point as it was nearing the time we were meant to finish and we were far from it, and I was meant to be picked up shortly thereafter by a tour in the afternoon. Thankfully the same tour company so that was easy to rectify and the tour guide got it all sorted and made sure I was back with enough time to get changed and grab a few things.

The afternoon tour was a desert safari and I was looking forward to this. I had done this in Qatar back in 2012 when Qatar Airways was hosting us. It was a lot of fun then and I was hoping it would be the same now. It did not disappoint. There was 6 of us crammed into the land cruiser and we headed out into the desert. We met up with others from the same company (12 vehicles total) and off we went into the dunes. It was a great roller coaster of a ride, full of a lot of “o shit” moments. After riding through the dunes they took us to their “camp” for dinner and we had some time to explore around while they tried to get us to buy more stuff. That is how they get you by having a cheap tour (about $80) and then enticing you in with extras!

Dinner and a show was included then it was back into the city. If the weather had been better I think the night would have been even more amazing than it was but it was very good and I had a blast! Getting back close to 930pm meant another long day!

Wednesday 6th March 2024

This morning was my last time in Abu Dhabi with my flight scheduled for early evening off to Qatar and then connecting onwards to Australia. I was looking forward to a lazy morning, and then I don’t really know what else. I just wanted to chill out and relax. That is what I got I slept in went for a walk on the corniche for some morning exercise (and seeing all the poor stray cats) and had a leisurely breakfast writing post cards.

After tidying up all my stuff, reconfirming pick up times and arranging the late check out, it was time to go off on a morning walk and adventure. I had to go to the post office for stamps to mail the post cards, but the next part was just off to go look at stuff. I had seen most of what I wanted to see but I was really interested in seeing one of the big grocery stores and just seeing what the prices of stuff might be. So I walked up to LuLu Hypermarket in one of the malls and just walked around for a while. It was pretty impressive! What shocked me was the cost of some things were great, others not so much. Some made no sense. They sell white goods and small kitchen appliances and they were selling Kenwood stand mixers for the price of some of the gas stoves!

After Lulu I was already past my step goal for the day and just wanted to relax after being on the go so much, so walked the corniche back to the hotel! Easy time. Then it was just a matter of chilling out and relaxing before getting picked up for the airport.

Current Location: Sofitel Abu Dhabi The Corniche

Saturday 2nd March 2024

After spending most of the day hanging around the house and doing chores, by the time the mid afternoon rolled around Heidi was home to take me to the airport.  It was only a few minutes from the house to the airport and then it was goodbye to the lovely wife and into the terminal I go.  This was the first time I was travelling without Heidi for a long time.  The last time I travelled without her domestically was 2016 where I spent 4 or so days ticking off new states.  The last time I had travelled internationally without her was 2015 for the adventures to Frankfurt and Lufthansa first class.  This felt so strange to be heading off on a big trip without her.  But it was not forever, we would see each other in a few weeks in Sydney.

I made my way all the way to the very last check in area almost at the current checkpoint 1, where Turkish was checking in (forgot to grab a photo….. sigh).  There was no one lined up for Business Class and I walked straight to the front.  They checked me in and weighed my bags (it was just under my target weight, so I can’t add too many souveneirs in the UAE I guess) and then it was off to the checkpoint.  Since I still had a free trial of clear, I figured I would use them to save me the walk all the way down and back figuring it would be quicker….. Nope.  They wanted my ID again.  Well that was a waste of time.  It’s fine.  It will end at the end of the month and Clear does me no good outside of the USA.  I swear any time I use clear it never saves us any time.

I got myself ready for the Precheck scan and they asked me to wait for a moment and I had no problem as it allowed me time to stash my stuff.  When I went through the WTMD I realized I had my sunglasses on my head….woops but it didn’t go off.  They did however want to do a manual inspection of my lenses because the guy on the scanner thought it looked suspicious.  I have been through it before and had plenty of time.  I had noooo problem.  They let me repack it though as they said they didn’t want me to have anything damaged.

After security it was time to find Lowrider to tick off their airport store from the places I have bought cookies.  After walking around eating a Birthday Cake cookie and seeing what differences had happened to the airport, I headed over to the S gates to find the gate.  I then came across something I had noticed back in September when we landed after our Hawaiian flight but paid no attention to until now.  The train to the S gates has reversed its direction.  WTF.  O well a bit longer on the train than expected.

After a lap or two of the S gates and running into an old coworker who was waiting for her flight to London, I made my way up to the lounge.  Turkish uses the Club at SEA which is technically the lounge we used when we flew to Tokyo back in 2018.  However this is the “new” Club at SEA.  They moved into the space vacated by Delta when they moved out of the S gates.  O boy was it familiar.  The last time I was in that lounge was probably back in 2013 before one of my delta mileage runs and it has not changed at all.  The place looked exactly like it did back then.  

All the window seats were taken, which was a bummer but not the end of the world.  I was really in the lounge for a quiet place to read my book.  No need to worry, I wasn’t all that impressed by the food offerings, but did have some Sheet cake squares (carrot) that reminded me of the Sara Lee cake from my child hood.  I didn’t even feel like going to the bar for a soda and just stuck to water.  I read my book and chilled in the lounge, taking photos while I could and just trying to relax as much as possible.  I had spent the day with what felt like a heap of anxiety, but I coped as best I could and I probably wouldn’t be over that anxiety until I got to Abu Dhabi.

After about an hour and a half in the lounge and well before my flight was meant to depart, I started to pack up my stuff and head towards the exit.  I wanted to fill my water bottle before the flight and figured I would try and get a few laps of the concourse before boarding.  Well one of those two things happened as after I filled my bottle I started walking towards the gate area and noticed they were already boarding!! It was just under an hour to departure.  DANG!  Well I was not even remotely prepared, and rolled up to the gate with my mobile boarding pass, which they wouldn’t accept and they wanted my passport.  So I spent a bit of time screwing with stuff at the gate.

Turkish Airlines – TK204
Seattle-Tacoma to Istanbul (SEA-IST)
Boeing 787-9 (TC-LLK)
Business Class – Seat 4A

Boarding: 1745 (Gate S11)
Push Back: 1828
Take Off Roll: 1845 (Runway 16L)
Top of Descent: 1655
Touch Down: 1723 (Runway 34L)
Shut Down: 1748 (Gate D10)

After they took part of my boarding pass (I knew I should have faked losing it) it was time to head down the jetbridge heading towards my next adventure.  I showed up at the door and was asked for a boarding pass, something that has not happened in a long time since US Airlines don’t do that.  And they pointed me to the holy land, turn left please!  I made my way up to 4A and stashed my camera bag in the overhead.  I could probably put my back pack in their as well, but wanted to keep it handy for as much as possible.  

I snapped a lot of pictures of the seat and tried to get myself as comfortable as possible while exploring.  The seat was exactly like the pictures I had seen, but what you don’t see is how tight it feels around the shoulders and getting into the seat.  While the footwell is deep, the space between the seat behinds footwell and the seat in front is not much.  The true window seats have a blocked window thanks to the privacy shield being on the wrong side and the same privacy shield is what ate away at a lot of my shoulder space on the left.  On my right it was fine!

Waiting at the seat was a pillow and a basic blanket along with a pair of slippers and a shoe bag.  The blanket I was soooo tempted to stash in my bag but I didn’t need it, and I didn’t really have the space!  They started to bring around all the fun things.  Menus, pre departure beverages, amenity kits etc.  The “Chef” in her funny hat came around to hand out the menu herself and it looked like an OK menu to be honest.  For the pre departure beverage I had the “home made” Mint Lemonade and it was pretty delicious.  

Once I heard the warning to arm doors, then I knew it was really time to go and get myself buckled in.  The doors were closed and the jetbridge pulled away and they started to play the safety video.  Items were collected then it was time to start to settle in.  I left the screen playing the map, as I wasn’t really all that interested in movies yet.  We headed for the active runway and with a bit of effort, off we went.  Since I couldn’t see much outside thanks to the darkness, once we were up and going, I kind of just ignored the window and got the in flight entertainment going.  There was plenty on offer to watch and that was good as I had a long flight ahead (plus another one after that).

I sat back and got a movie started and the crew were fast to get meal and drink orders going and get a lot of people sorted as quickly as possible.  Meals started coming out about an hour after departure and the set up was pretty great (especially the salt and pepper shakers).  I tried to choose as light as possible, even skipping some options, something I probably would not have done in a previous life, but I felt it best to do so. I wanted to try and get some rest at the start of the flight, maybe wake up with about 5 or so hours to go and then that should be enough to have me kind of on a similar clock to where I was going.  The portions of the food were small, but to be honest, it was plenty and it tasted pretty good.I have had worse!

After dinner was cleared away I finished off my movie and then asked the crew to set up the bedding,  There was a mattress pad which was, ok and they put a pillow case on the pillow (didn’t change much).  I tried to get myself situated but found it lumpy, turns out that was the comforter….. Woops!  I had started using the blanket that was left at the seat and thought to myself, well that was shit.  I was wrong!  While I am not one to get much sleep on planes I did try and it wasn’t that successful to be honest.  There was some turbulence over north eastern canada and into greenland that just kept me up, so that did not help.  Instead I just decided to get up and write the trip report.  An hour or so of “Closed eye rest” should be enough right?

I spent the rest of my time on that flight watching movies.  I just kind of chilled out drinking a bottle of water.  I didn’t try to get any snacks etc.  As we got closer to Istanbul, the cabin started to slowly “wake up” thanks to all the LED lightning and the chromatic windows.  They were able to make it look like we were waking up for the day (even though it was like 4 or 5pm outside).  The meal they were serving was breakfast as well and I still wasn’t hungry after the first meal (though that was 8 hours ago at this point) so I just had some fruit and bread and skipped the main course (I was going to try pancakes anyway).  So the second meal was just simple for me.  I had a cup of coffee to try and keep me awake through the next few hours.

The descent into Istanbul started a while out, which I didnt expect and it made it look like we would land way early.  When we did land, I can see what they do when that happens.  They send the aircraft on a nice little journey, all around the airport.  We spent sooo long taxxing that I thought we were going to end up at a bus gate.  That wasn’t the case, it was just a gate on the other side of the airport  *sigh*.  But we were on the ground and that was a good thing.  

Once we finally made it to a gate, I got my stuff together and headed out into the terminal.  It was fairly warm inside (being cold outside I expected otherwise, but I was pleasantly surprised).  As we headed off the jetbridge into the split for immigration, they pointed anyone headed for baggage claim in one direction and for international transfer another.  This seemed odd to me as I remember looking at a map seeing they were next to each other. The other strange thing, the direction they pointed us was directly into the terminal proper.  This was shocking to me, it was as though it was a domestic flight back home.  

Once in the terminal, it was a matter of orientating myself and trying to find the lounges.  Thankfully there was signs for that, but it did not even put into the picture the scale of that terminal and airport.  I started following the signs and it just kept going, and going, and going.  It took a serious 15 minutes of walking just to get to the lounge.  Up multiple escalators past many many gates.  And the lounge was PACKED.  I was full from my “breakfast”, dying for a bathroom and just wanted to do that first before I even attempted any kind of finding a seat or exploring.  I did stash my bag in one of the lockers (after setting off alarms on 2 others….woops) so that kept the weight off my shoulder for once.

By the time I had made it through to exploring the lounge and finding a seat, it was only an hour or so before I would have to head out again and find my gate (since no gate was posted just a “check back” time.  I did explore the lounge a little and there was copious amounts of food, drinks, there was a golf simulator, a kids playground, sooooo much more.  But I was starting to feel the lack of sleep and just trying to keep going.  So all I consumed was a couple of bottles of water and made sure to take one with me for the walk to the gate.

When the gate was posted I saw it was an eta of a 15 minute walk to get there, sounds about right.  So i packed up my stuff, gathered my camera bag from the locker and headed out at a slowish pace.  I was not in that much of a hurry as I had left myself plenty of time and I wanted to see what fun things were on offer on the way.  The stores were certainly different to the ones around us and most any other country I had come across, and that was certainly unique.  What really showed in this airport was the scale.  It really felt bright, open and airy.  There was massively tall ceilings (mainly because anyone heading for immigration was seperated above the main concourse) and that really helped to show how impressive this airport was.  

The gate area, even with an A/B gate with split jetbridges was massive, with Lots of seating.  A little while before boarding, the gate agents, came around person to person, checking passports and visas, before even having them approach.  Such a SMART idea!  No lines of people waiting to board and someone holding up the line, and no constant annoucements to have people come forward and crowd the podium.  Eventually boarding began, but not even with an annoucement but a “ok you can come on now” yelled into the crowd

Turkish Airlines – TK868
Istanbul to Abu Dhabi (IST-AUH)
Airbus A321Neo (TC-LSS)
Business Class – Seat 5F

Boarding: 2003 (Gate F5B)
Push Back: 2037
Take Off Roll: 2048 (Runway 36)
Top of Descent: 0109
Touch Down: 0135 (Runway 13L)
Shut Down: 0145 (Gate A4)

As I headed down onto the aircraft behind a string of business class guests, I was interested to see how it differed on a 321Neo compared to the 787-9.  Obviously they are not going to put a light flat long haul product, on a single aisle plane used for short to mid regional hops.  On paper the seat looked very similar to the Delta 321Neo first class that Heidi and I flew out to Honolulu on last year. But in reality the seat was very different and the space between seats was MUCH better.  God it was way more comfortable on that plane than on Delta (surprise surprise).  They boarded a full 321Neo pretty quickly and I was hoping and praying that the seat next to me would stay open (it did!) and just getting myself situated.  

Another glass of the lemon mint drink and another amenity kit (this one a differnet look than the others) and once everyone was loaded, they closed the door and the ground crew had to use an air cart to gate start the engines.  Once we were powered up, we pushed back and then taxiied off to the runway on the same side of the airport.  That helped keep it pretty quick (in relative terms).  

The take off roll was spirited and with a flight time scheduled to 4 hours, it was only time before I was going to be safe and sound in a bed.  We got the menus once the flight attendants were released and again, still wasn’t hungry and my body had no idea what time or anything it was, so I just asked for the dessert and some sparkling water and that was my meal. 

The crew on this flight were far superior to the previous flight with numerous times checking on me and the decision I made.  They wanted to make sure that I was ok and if I didn’t want to eat or drink anything else.  I was pretty content (and the dessert was good).  I just sat back and watched a couple of movies on the seat back (same selection as the previous flight) and watched as we flew into the middle east.

We tracked down over Iraq getting great views of all the different cities spotted all over the area.  It was surprising to me as I expected it to be just great big swaths of nothing, and it wasn’t.  At one point we were flying over the oil fields around Basra and the clouds below were all highlighted orange from the oil wells/refineries lighting up.  It was quite the beatiful scene.  Thanks to a kick ass tailwind, we were heading down the Arabian sea towards Abu Dhabi fairly quickly and it meant an early arrival.  Early is good because the sooner I get to Abu Dhabi, the sooner I get to sleep.

We came in the long way looping around the entire city before heading towards the airport. We passed over Yas Island and it wasn’t until I saw this that I realized just how far out the airport is.  O well!  We touched down and again, taxiied alllllll the way around the airport to the other side.  At one point again I thought we were going to a bus gate as there was everything waiting for an aicraft to pull in, but we didn’t, thanfully!

We pulled into an actual gate at the terminal and again this was another grand scale terminal that looked just as magnificent from the outside as many of the world players and I guess this is what Abu Dhabi wanted.  Well they got it all right!  Same situation as before, those heading to transfers go one direction, those heading to baggage claim go another.  That was me!  Off to immigration I went.  Immgration was a VERY long walk away, at least 15 minutes.  I was not too worried as I had someone waiting and I obviously had to still wait for my bag (foreshadowing).  

Immigration was easy he just asked how long I was in town for, where I was headed to after that and take photo and finger print wave (thats right, wave… you don’t touch the scanner).  Then it was off to get my hand baggage x’rayed.  No customs forms anything like that.  The border guard did not like the fact I had a dSLR on me or that I may have a drone hidden somewhere.  I let him know I did not and that I would not be using the dSLR while in Abu Dhabi (I had read up before hand to not even attempt to try and take any plane pictures).  Once that was handled then it was off to get my bag.  My bag didn’t drop when it said “all delivered” so off I went to the baggage inquries counter and they said “no it made the plane and it shows on the belt”.  Well low and behold it was on the belt and had dropped AFTER all bags had apparently dropped.  

Once I had my bag it was time to walk through the green channel for nothing to declare and off into the terminal we go!

So tomorrow is the departure day of this big journey back towards Australia. I am still slightly nervous and anxious as it has been quite some time since I have travelled on my own like this. The last time I spent so much time away from “home” was back in 2011 when I went around the world. The last time I travelled internationally like this was 2018 when I went to Japan and the last time I went on my own internationally was the trip to Frankfurt back in 2015. It has been a long time since any of that happened and a lot has changed.

So today I need to get started packing my suitcase and then tomorrow around 330pm it is off to the airport for the first part of the adventure. Tomorrow will be a long day with a 12 hour flight to Istanbul and then a 4 hour flight to Abu Dhabi after a 3 hour layover. Then a few hours of sleep and straight into sightseeing on a bus up to Dubai for the day. It will be a long day but hopefully well worth it!