So i went in to see the agent today and sign a few forms to show that the trip is fully paid. Had to resign a new e ticket itinerary cause they added my FF number to the QF/JAL portions and a slight time change on the BNE>NRT sector due to aircraft change.

Looked at the itin… hey cool bit longer in japan on departure, o crap not cool, flights dont connect anymore. So agent has a bit of a look. No flying via detroit any more 🙁 🙁 🙁

Have to fly now via Mineapalos St Paul (MSP). So now have a 2 hour flight on the Embrarer compared to the 65 min flight i had previously 🙁 Also means i dont have 3 or 4 hours to explore the airport and get some spotting in, I have 2 hours in the terminal and that has to include my time in immigration etc which hopefully wont take up to much time, being at the pointy end of a plane hopefully has its benefits!

Although MSP is meant to be a big Northwest hub i was looking forward to detriot cause the airport looked pretty sweet. O wells!!

Its that time of the year again. Every year about this time i have to spend 2 days doing stuff for work that thankfully I only have to do once a year. The tourism industry doesnt work on financial years. We work April>March. So all the new brochures are finally out (well all but WA but thats a different story). However as the 1st of April comes closer it means one thing for me. Brochure rack changing. A few years ago when I first started i never had a brochure rack. I got one about half way into my job, after some people from Melbourne brought theirs up. They ROCK. The brochure racks are the ultimate thing in making my life easier at work. I dont destroy brochures from constant usage.

HOWEVER for 2 days a year I have to spend my time, stripping brochure pages out of display pockets, then cutting up the old brochures and eventually putting new pages into the same display pockets. The best way to do this is to sit in front of the tv and do it (i watched the last season of Macgyver but thats another day). It’s a tedious boring task but it has to be done!!

Here is what they look like originally and then the finished product:

Virgin America finally released their flights for October which meant i could book my flight. This is awesome because it brings my total Airlines on this trip to 4 new airlines never flown before (JAL, Northwest, Compass, Virgin America).

The fare was pretty good at $220USD all in for First Class from Los Angeles to Seattle. Econ was only $100USD all in so thats a pretty good buy if you ask me! I was quite pleased with myself. Anyway this means my flights are all booked, I just need to pay the remaining of the accom by the end of the month (might do a transfer this week) and then its all done and dusted. I might start saving more $$$ away so that I can make sure I have enough $$ for spending money.

In other news i crashed my car… again.

I would just like to take this opportunity to tell the world that I am extremely proud and touched to of had the chance to be with my best mate Brendan as he got married yesterday. It meant a lot to be there for him and get him whatever he needed and to be his right hand man (funnily enough i sat at his right side at the dinner… hahaha).

It was an amazing day and I know that everyone there had a good time. I know that there was stress for everyone in the days leading up to it and on the day but it all was worth it. Suzanne looked stunning, Brendan was cool and calm and did not have a worry at all!! (I made sure of that).

All was good and a fantastic day was had by all!!!

Photos are here:

From Brendan & Suzannes Wedding

So in just under a week my best mate Brendan is getting married. It has been a fantastic process to be involved as I am not sure if you know but I am the best man. I have been trying everything to make sure I am there for him and to make sure he is not so stressed.

Last night was the bucks party and it was a great time. Even though i piked early (im getting to old for this stuff) I know Brendan had a good time. With just under a week to go I am starting to get nervous. I have a speech to right, I have to make sure I look presentable on the day and that i don’t say or do something to stuff up the day. pressure!!!!!

I know that it will be a fantastic day!!! I hope the day lives up to everything for them!!