So i went in to see the agent today and sign a few forms to show that the trip is fully paid. Had to resign a new e ticket itinerary cause they added my FF number to the QF/JAL portions and a slight time change on the BNE>NRT sector due to aircraft change.
Looked at the itin… hey cool bit longer in japan on departure, o crap not cool, flights dont connect anymore. So agent has a bit of a look. No flying via detroit any more 🙁 🙁 🙁
Have to fly now via Mineapalos St Paul (MSP). So now have a 2 hour flight on the Embrarer compared to the 65 min flight i had previously 🙁 Also means i dont have 3 or 4 hours to explore the airport and get some spotting in, I have 2 hours in the terminal and that has to include my time in immigration etc which hopefully wont take up to much time, being at the pointy end of a plane hopefully has its benefits!
Although MSP is meant to be a big Northwest hub i was looking forward to detriot cause the airport looked pretty sweet. O wells!!