Well i have 14 hours of hell at the moment. My brother is in town. He is in transit from Berlin to Darwin. Stupid me gets an RDO on the same day he is here :/ I’d rather be at work at the moment.

Its been a wierd week.. only worked 3 days, Angela off to Europe on Sunday, my holiday is all booked, paid and ticketed so all ready to go, Club Croc Cruise last night so got to meet a heap of new people including a brand new girl joining our team fresh out of intake training.

Life is pretty wierd though for me. My mind is mixed between looking for someone new, finding love out their in the world or waiting. Waiting for a certain person to return. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know how i feel. I am so confused.

On a more positive note my holiday is 100% organised. Tickets have arrived. I’m starting to get bits and pieces organised in the little time off i have. I have a bag ready to go, nice and new. Its an older model Black Wolf “travel duffle.” It pretty much means that its a duffle bag with wheels and its pretty awesome 😀

Also picked up today like a quick dry towel which compacts down nice and small. Something that will save me from carrying a huge massive beach towel everywhere. Also picked up a tiny travel umbrella which i havent had an umbrella in like months and this one will pack down nice and small for me to take to work and stuff and leave in my work bag which is good. Also picked up a travel document wallet. Didn’t really need it but it was $9 and it looks cool.. so why not 😀

I have to go to lunch at Sizzler today with my family 🙁 fun…………


guess its not all bad… he did just give me a Patriots Hat. Something ive waited forever for.

People in this day and age with money will pay for anything i think. Its my day off today so i’ve been watching a bit of tv. Predominantly Lifestyle Food and Discovery Travel and Living. One of my favourite shows at the moment is Thirsty Traveller. I mean where else can you make a show just based on alcohol. But the show is normally pretty good. But today was a show dedicated to Iceberg Vodka. People in Cananda (typical) go out into the open ocean looking for icebergs and pick up the floaty bits to make vodka with, and then sell it for a lot of money…. DUH IDIOTS! Why would you buy something thats been floating in the ocean.

But at the moment im watching a show on Lifestyle food called Miami After Midnight. Its all about the clubs and restuarants in Miami Florida. They serve entress for $85 and people pay for them. Clubs pumping at 1am ON A MONDAY NIGHT! People have to much money for this sort of thing. Although there are some good things about this show. All the fantastic cocktails and food. A desert of Warm Coffee Cake served with espresso beans and crushed oreos with a scoop of vanilla bean icecream YUM!

Now im hungry 🙁

Thats right folks. This is how you become a modern home based Pirate, no fancy pirate clothes necessary (although if your into that sort of thing… go right ahead).

1. Find yourself some suckers internet connection. Steal it.
2. Using his internet connection download illegal movies from your program of choice.
3. Profit?

Ok being a bit more serious. It’s very easy these days to do the whole illegal thing. I mean how hard is it to type into google and find somewhere to download things illegally. Getting movies, games, music all the more easy. Why not buy a DVD burner, go to your local blockbuster or video store of choice and burning a rented dvd. Why not go to somewhere like Bali or Thailand and come home with hundreds of illegal DVD’s which have all been done with cameras in someones store.

Yes i own a DVD burner, yes i have a fast internet connection. Yes i have an mp3 player. These three things dont make me a pirate.


So last weekend saw this years Wholesaler Challenge between Sunlover and Qantas Hols. It is always usaully a big rivalry with plenty of good hearted fun and sillyness. This year was no different. With 12 of us from Sunlover and 9 from Qantas we had a great weekend at Movieworld and the Paradise Resort Gold Coast. We spend the time fooling around on the rides, drinking having a fantastic time. Also got to go see Tempo Rouge at the casino. But the best part of the weekend… WE WON!!!

We finally took the trophy back from Qantas and that means that we can now claim the trophy (its being presented on 09Jun). It was a great weekend, plenty of goodies including our prizes of a nights free accommodation and two tickets to the Australian Outback Spectacular (i get to go again yay!).

I’ve decided to take my friend Morgan when she gets back from the UK. I have to use them up before Christmas so morgan if your reading this COME HOME NOW! 😛

So after months of back and forth, trying to make decisions, not sure what to do, I have finally made a decision. On the 23rd of June i jet off south to Sydney for 2 nights staying at the Vibe Hotel Goulbourn Street. While im there i have a bridgeclimb at night and then who knows what im doing the other day. Then on the 25th of June it’s off to Cairns with Contiki. 14 days of new faces, new friends and the Qld Coast, stopping at Coffs Harbour, Gold Coast, Fraser Island, Whitsundays and finishing in Cairns.

I look forward to the whole road trip as I have not done a road trip up the Qld Coast or even between Sydney and Brisbane since i was in primary school over 12 years ago!

This should be a good couple of weeks and i’m really looking forward to it. But tommorrow it’s the Wholesaler Challenge between Sunlover and Qantas. I hope it will be good, last year was so much fun.

So think good thoughts and time to kick some Qantas butt!

Well today i decided i would actually join the console revolution. I bought a PSP. Some people might start thinking im a bit of a nerd or that im wasting my money but there is reasoning. It is pretty much a portable entertainment system. Not only can i play games and listen to mp3s but i can also watch movies using an UMD (universal media disc) and also surf the web!

I mainly bought it for when im travelling i will still have access to things that will keep me amused and also watch some good movies. As for what movies are on psp so far i have Mr and Mrs Smith, but have been looking online and found that EZYdvd are selling some really great movies for $10 each. I’m going to order a couple soon including King Kong and Serenity which are both gonna be $10 each so cant wait for that… being able to watch Serenity on the way to work 😀

At the moment i only have 1 game for it (Ridge Racer) but soon i should be able to get a Nintendo 64 emulator for my psp which means i can play some old classic games like Super Mario 64, Donkey Kong Country and even Mortal Combat. But it should be good to have this for when im bored. Anyway im on early shift tommorrow.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, gather round and i will tell you the story of a stupid man by the name of Mal who decided one day to participate in a charity event to SHAVE OFF ALL HIS HAIR! Thats really good of him you say, but the thing is, its actually very silly.

My head is cold, it feels very wierd, it is so very very annoying and to top it all off…. I just plain dont like the way it looks.

I would like to thank Rachel and Carly at Luppinos at Stafford City for shaving it all off and also to all of those kind generous people who donated. In total i raised $385.70 for Leukemia and its is for a very good cause.

Most of you want pictures i know, so here they are.

Now i only have to wait like 4 months for my hair to grow back 🙁

anyway im gonna go cry now… :'(


*edit* Make that $400… last minute donation from OCAU

This is an emo post… if you dont want to read the emo post just keep scrolling.

Most of those who know me know that one of my dearest friends is currently in the UK. I miss her immensly. Before she left we used to talk at least once a week. We have always had some form of seperation as before she left she lived on the Central Coast area of NSW. But now that she is a 24 hour flight away and a 10 hour time difference things are very different.

Anytime i even think of her it pains me to do so. It hurts quite a bit. Knowing that talking to her will cost me a fortune from the other side of the world but also is hard to work around. If i want to call her it has to be at really insane times :/ Its rough having to be so far apart from each other. Anytime i do talk to her i get this really strong feeling of missing her and not having her in close reach. One of my friends seems to think im in love with her… I just dont know.

I hope that she will return soon, back to Aus, back within close reach, back where i know she is safe and if im needed can be there in a flash. I dont know if she will even read this but if you do. I miss you babe, come home soon.