Thats right folks. This is how you become a modern home based Pirate, no fancy pirate clothes necessary (although if your into that sort of thing… go right ahead).
1. Find yourself some suckers internet connection. Steal it.
2. Using his internet connection download illegal movies from your program of choice.
3. Profit?
Ok being a bit more serious. It’s very easy these days to do the whole illegal thing. I mean how hard is it to type into google and find somewhere to download things illegally. Getting movies, games, music all the more easy. Why not buy a DVD burner, go to your local blockbuster or video store of choice and burning a rented dvd. Why not go to somewhere like Bali or Thailand and come home with hundreds of illegal DVD’s which have all been done with cameras in someones store.
Yes i own a DVD burner, yes i have a fast internet connection. Yes i have an mp3 player. These three things dont make me a pirate.