
Photography is a major hobby of mine. I enjoy it so much that wherever i go i carry a camera with me (all be it in my phone but still its something for those instant shots that you need).

My main styles of photography are Landscape and also Aircraft. Landscape photography to me is what really shows beauty. The colours, the beauty of the location, it all combines to make spectacular photography. Aircraft however is different in my mind. It shows the beauty of something that is man made, something that everyone takes for granted. Nothing is more stunning than an airliner touching down on the piano keys and a puff of smoke, the smell of burning jet fuel just helps the situation.

If you check the main page you will often find links to photos of trips, to the airport, on holidays or just general photos.


I have a variety of cameras that i use for my photography:

Pentax K10D – The work horse. This camera cops a beating in the actuations department (number of shots taken). This camera is fairly old now however I can’t seem to give it up. Professional level Pentax dSLR. I’ve got it kitted out just the way I love it.

Canon IXUS 100 My newest and latest point and shoot. This little baby went strong in the USA in 2009. Small, black and sleek. Always ready, never failed. Takes some fantastic photos and it fits in my pocket with easy. The shiny metal body (well slightly fading now) body makes it awesome.

Pentax *istDS – This is my first Digital SLR, the camera i have come to love and use so much. It is great especially with my Aircraft shots as it allows me to fire off quite a few and only keep the ones i need. This was the camera I learnt on and will forever love it.

Pentax MZ-60 – This was my first SLR camera. It is a traditional film SLR but is quite modern. I still use it now and then for those situations where i prefer a feel of film over the more economical digital.

Canon Powershot SD1000 Digital Elph– My previous out and about all day every day camera. 7.1 Megapixel, Compact P&S camera. Very nice metal casing, Small, Fast and Reliable. This is the US version of the IXUS 70 here in Australia. Awesome little camera, did me well.

Pentax 105G – My first real camera. I bought this many years ago and is a small P&S compact film camera. Doesn’t get used much now by me but i often lend it to friends and family.

Canon Elph LT – My smallest camera that takes an APS film. It doesn’t get much usage at all… Probably should sell it.

Lenses – To go with my SLR’s I have a wide variety of lenses. They range from 18mm on the wide end up to 300mm on the high end. I have the following at my disposal. Sigma 18-50 Kit Lens, Sigma 100-300 Kit Lens, Sigma 28-80 Kit Lens, Tamron 28-75 F2.8, Sigma 70-300 F4-5.6 and the amazingly good Sigma 70-200 F2.8 My two main lenses are the 28-75 which is pretty much my every day walk around lens and the 70-200 as my main plane spotting lens. I often take the 70-300 with me when I am travelling as the 200 is to big.

Where do I store all of my photos? Well I use a site called Picasaweb. It is part of Google and with a Gmail account you get 1gig of online storage. At the moment the storage is getting full of photos from the last 5 years of my life. Not sure where else to put things. Considering having to pay for Picasa to get more storage. Will see about that! Link Here

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