Well you have all been supporting me heaps lately and i really do appreciate it. I feel like there are a lot of people behind me with all of this stuff. So on Xmas eve (thursday) my trainer decided to take me out for a walk instead of a gym session. I thought it was a good idea until he told me how far we were going. We were aiming for 7.5k… but if time permitted… 10k… WTF

So Thursday morning I rocked up at the Gym really early and had to get ready for a long long walk. We walked all along the river from Tenneriffe to almost the story bridge and back again. I was expecting just 10k but we actually walked 11k. It was a tough thing for me however it brings me half way to my first goal. I want to be able to do a 10k run. However before i can do a 10k run i need to be able to not fall over in that distance. So i feel good that i can walk 10k at least without dying. Hell up until then i hadn’t really been doing much more than 2.5k in one session.

Since then i have done 2 days of 7.5k walks. And still several more till i go back to the gym on the 4th. The other challenge my PT set for me is a 12k walk some time during the xmas break. So I am going to do this on the morning on NYE. So if anyone wants to come help me get through this i would love the company. Walking on my own is BOOOOOOOOOORING!.

So if your interested send me a message, probably going to walk early morning on the 31st along the Kedron Brook Bikeway. Please come help support me, you dont need to walk, you can run, jog, ride or skate hell, you can walk on your hands if you want. But i just want some company.

well… i have finally come to my first hurdle. It just happens to be about something that is close to me. Food.

So i saw a nutritionist on friday and she is pretty cool (she actually works with “The Biggest Loser”) but the thing is, I am starting to feel really restricted in what I can and can’t eat. I know i hear people say it all the time “but its good for you” but the thing is, it feels like im giving up so much to do this.

I know i need to eat better etc and i need to change the way I eat, but do i really need to give up the foods that I love. Im not talking chocolate or anything like that? but surely i can make a pizza out of this because that would seriously make me happy right about now? maybe ill look into it and come out successful somehow!. I dunno!

I do enjoy some of the foods that i have been able to eat, but seriously, its like the same thing over and over again. I am really starting to get bored and for me thats not a good thing!

If anyone has any REALLY healthy recipes please email them to me… i am desperate!

So… its now been 2 weeks since ive started at the Gym. last tuesday was my first session. Things are totally different with me. My outlook on life has changed, ive started eating right and started to try and be a better person all around. Over the last two weeks i have had to slowly let out information about what I am doing etc as people are going to start to notice changes in me. So I have started a new category called “New Mal” and I have decided to not protect this.

I can’t hide this all now, everyone needs to see it. So with that in mind i can give you some updates on what I have been doing at the Gym. I have been working with a Personal Trainer for 2 weeks now. 5 Days a week. Its been hard but then so is life. So i have started to keep a little mantra in my life. “The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday” I came across this mantra a few years ago while reading a book about Navy Seal Training. They get put through hell and this is drilled into them that the only easy day in life was yesterday. You go into every day knowing that there will be challenges ahead and you do it without knowing what is going to happen. All you know is that it will be hard but you can get through it.

So with my new mantra in life i push forward with it. I do everything the trainers ask. I feel like a cop out if i don’t. I feel like im letting myself down. I have always been my strongest critic and I am sure this will never change. To give you an idea of what the trainers have been doing with me I do weights twice a week along with cardio every day. I have been doing double daily sessions of exercise so I will go to the gym of a morning (on weekends its more time on the treadmill at home or a walk around the neighbourhood). In the evenings it is treadmill time at home. I have been doing 2k sessions every day lately and been pushing the time down and down each time. Tonight I started 2.5k on the treadmill with a nice time of 33:30 to get myself started. My fastest 2k walk so far was this morning on the Boardwalk at Tenneriffe. 21:42. The trainers are awesomely proud that i have committed myself to this and been working super hard.

So many people at work have also been telling me they are proud of what I hav been doing and what is going to change in my life, and i have never really thought that so many people cared. I am really pleased that they do, it means a lot!

So with this i also give you that tommorrow night, the Work xmas party will probably be my last drinks for quite some time. I am not sure if I will ever take drinking back up (if i do it wont be to the same level I was before). So tommorrow night, I will have a few drinks for the last time for who knows how long.