Today marks the day that I joined the group of so many people throughout the world.  I got married.  2 years ago I married the love of my life and I could not be happier.  Sure we have our ups and downs (doesn’t every one?) but I still cherish every moment that I spend with her.  She brightens my day and she makes me smile even just hearing her voice.  I may not get to see her some days due to work, and we spend days without seeing each others face in the light, but it doesn’t diminish our love for each other.

She is going to hate the fact that I am writing this for everyone to see, but I don’t care.  I still love her no matter what!  As days go by I get to spend time with her and each moment is as special as the last. Now with a house and a fur baby (the cat) life is pretty nice! What more in life could we ask for! 

Dearest Heidi, I love you. 

Sitting in my own living room, on the couch is a funny feeling. The move went well (if you want to call 3 solid days of stress, fighting, time outs and heavy lifting, well) and we are not starting to settle into the house. Although I haven’t uploaded the photos from the move yet (there are so many I haven’t had time to do it) this is the first morning before work where I have spent more time relaxing than doing other tasks around the house.

Most of the time I have been around the house cleaning up, sorting things out, fixing up stuff strewed throughout the house. It is still a matter of unpacking things, but not to much is left now. We don’t have artwork on the walls yet (as Heidi wants to do some painting) but that won’t take long to put some up. We have a few rooms ready to go, the bedroom, office and gym are fairly done. The Kitchen is functional (even though we have no seats or a real kitchen table).

As we try to get ourselves settled, we will continue to do what we can. As we wait for some of our furniture to be delivered (waiting on the 2nd half of our living room set) and we fix things up around the house, I can’t wait for this all to sink in. We now own are our own home and although life is an ever changing thing, we at least have something constant.