Seattle to San Francisco
Aloft San Francisco Airport
San Francisco to Atlanta
Atlanta to Newark
Fairfield Inn & Suites Newark
Newark to Minneapolis
Minneapolis to San Francisco
San Francisco to Seattle
Apoligies in advance but this is going to be the most boring portion of this trip report. By the time I made it through to Check in at T3 and found out that I couldn’t get home any earlier. I was just totally over it. I was tired and wanting some sleep. But that wasn’t going to happen. I had 5 hours to waste, so I figured I would clear TSA and head to the International Terminal to the United Club there, I had never been there before and figured it might as well be worth visiting.
I cleared TSA (and at the same time, forgot that I had a bottle of water in my bag… absolute fail move) and then by the time I was finally through I had missed out on the Air China 747 pushing back. I walked on over to the United Club, and wow… is it crap compared to a Delta Sky Club. I have to admit… Delta wins the lounge competition that is for sure!

I settled in and caught up on the trip report and some other work, and then by the time that was finished I figured incase I fell asleep in the lounge, it would probably be smarter to at least be in the right terminal. So I walked over to Terminal 3 and the united club there, and then promptly did the most boring thing ever. I sat back and trolled the internet. I wrote a couple of letters, I did some reading, I spent some cash ordering a new running watch. O so thrilling.

What I was not to proud about doing was eating my weight in Chocolate Coated Pretzels. Yes they are tasty, but it was a stupid move doing that. Pretty sure I made myself sick eating them. I got so tired and angry at myself that i decided to go and do a lap of the entire terminal, then go hang out by the gate and remote into work with the free wifi and test out the laptop connection ready for my next trip.

The gate area was ok, fairly empty and I just settled in with the rest of the crowds waiting for the flight to board as I did a bit of work.

United Airlines – UA971
San Francisco to Seattle-Tacoma
Airbus A319 (N863UA)
Economy Class – Seat 25A
Boarding: 1855 (Gate 68)
Push Back: 1930
Take Off Roll: 1845 (Runway 1R)
Top of Descent: 2103
Touch Down: 2131 (Runway 34C)
Shut Down: 2136 (Gate N16)
The flight was called and the scrum began to get onboard as they were telling people if they were in Boarding Group 5, you have no chance of overhead bin space and to just gate check the bags right there and then. I got onboard and asked if Channel 9 was going to be active. This was the first time in like 10 United flights that I was on a legacy United aircraft so was looking forward to some Channel 9. But sadly… nope! I was rudely informed by the FA that they would NOT be having Channel 9 on, even if I asked nicely. I tweeted my displeasure about said incident.
The cabin was old school, but comfortable and it filled up pretty damn quickly. Even though I was way down the back, by this stage I didn’t care. I was to busy trying to keep my eyes open. I read my book as we pushed back and headed over to the dual 1’s. We lined up next to another aircraft and although I didn’t have Channel 9 I was kind of pretending I could hear it with my brain thinking “United 971 Cleared for Takeoff Runway 1 Right”

We took off (without a companion on the dual runways) and climbed into the sky. The flight was going to be all sorts of boring. Reading, nodding off, and a drinks run in the next 1 hour and 45 or so minutes. Yay! The only highlight of the flight was getting the whole can during the drinks service! I was impressed at least.

I managed to finish my book and also have a bit of a chat with my seat mate as we descended into Seattle (maybe a 3rd client for the trip) and we touched down in Seattle with a nice thump. Not bad! We taxiied quickly to the N terminal where I was not in a hurry to get off as being up the back, I knew it wouldn’t be quick. By the time I was off, it was onto the Train to the terminal, then the shuttle to the car park, then home to my apartment.
22 hours after I woke up in Newark… I was putting head to pillow in Seattle. Way to long of a day 🙁