Heidi and I have spent the last couple of months pretty busy. After I got back from my big trip we had to get serious on the house hunting front. We checked out houses as much as we could (most I did in one day i think was 5) and with the help of a good realtor (who was probably a saint after all the crap we put her through considering Heidi and I don’t have easy schedules to deal with) we finally found somewhere.

We failed our first offer and after finally finding somewhere else we liked, we got really aggressive. We had to be with the market the way it is right now. Although all we do now is go back and forth over paperwork, so much paperwork. Every day it feels like I need to submit something or find something to send in, lord knows how many trees we have killed so far, and will kill when we get to the closing part.

We won’t be moving in till the first start of june, which is fine because our lease is not up till that time anyway. Makes it easier on us and gives the current owners time to pack up slowly. It also gives us time to get stuff ready for the move, we can be packed up and ready to move in time. The move will be easy and the set up of the new house just as easy.

But it is exciting to be moving forward in life, settling down and starting a new chapter. The fun part is that I will be able to walk to work from now on (it will be quicker to walk than deal with driving) and Heidi will have a much shorter commute. Here is to being in debt for the rest of our lives!