Happy Thanksgiving to all. Today is the day over here in the USA that we should be thankful. I am definately thankful for many things, some things that I don’t even realise at times. I have to say that most of all, I am thankful for my friends and family, both here and abroad. I have many friends around the world, spread out across all different continents and all different countries and even though we struggle to get to speak to each other thanks to time zones, I love and care about each and every one of them.
I miss my family back home in Australia and although I don’t get to spend this holiday season with them (this will be the second time away from them at christmas) they know that I love them and care about them, that they mean so much to me, and I know that even though they are on the otherside of the world, they still care (dad shows that by the random emails I get from him, or the fact he just shipped half a cake around the world).
But I am also thankful to my friends over here in the USA. The ones who are closest to me in location, though sometimes I don’t think I show enough appreciation to them. I feel like a workaholic most days and sometimes I just don’t have the energy or time to see them. I want them to know that I am thankful to have you as friends, that you do mean a lot to me and that without you, my life here in the USA would be super boring.
So with that little bit of holiday thanks, I allow you all to return to your regular routine today of Turkey, Pie & Football… and imagine this in my best ever american accent “Happy Thanksgiving Ya’ll”