It has been a while since I updated this site, life has changed a lot in the last year. I usually spend my annual post about being in this country talking about how much has changed in my life since I left, but since the last time I did one of these posts in 2019, a LOT has changed.

A global pandemic pretty much changed everything and the last post on this site was one of the last international trips I have done since. Since then two of my friends got married in other countries and I couldn’t go to it. Both of them I had to watch on either my computer or on the tv. It was gut wrenching to be honest. Add on the fact that I lost my job, well life turned to shit.

But life has rebounded, I have a great new job, been spending time working on the house (my office moved, Heidi is in the middle of reworking my old office into a new combined office/guest room. There has been stress, there has been yelling at ikea furniture, the main thing that has been missing is travel. I miss travel, not working in travel has been hard for me, as that has been most of my life.

The biggest thing in the last year was that I applied for my US Citizenship. I am still waiting to hear when the interview will be, but I know it is a long long way off to be honest. But eventually I will need to buy two passports (and considering I went down to Los Angeles at the end of 2019 to update mine, I am glad I did that to be honest).

Anyway today is my 9th anniversary of moving to the USA. Boy has a LOT changed.