Transformers to me will always hold a very dear place in my heart. I always loved the TV shows, and then on top of that was the toys. Countless and endless hours into my teenage years did I love transformers. Countless hours spent in front of the tv watching the ever present battle between Good and Evil (and of course i loved the Autobots). When transformers ended I was sad. I probably grew out of the Toys quicker than the TV shows which was probably a good thing.
However now in 2007 they have RETURNED! I was really happy to know they were going to remake the TV series into a Movie. I was hoping to god they were not going to butcher the original cartoon like they did with Transformers: Armada and the other Japanese versions of the cartoons. I mean Optimus Prime as a fire truck WTF! But it was going to be live action and although they could not use everything authentic they were going to at least keep stuff similar. So although it won’t be 100% the same I will still enjoy it. I have watched countless trailers and teasers, read endless spoilers on what is happening and yet still I want more.
Every time i watch one of the teasers or trailers I want more of it. The movie looks fantastic. Their was an interview with Michael Bay (the director) and he said that the teasers and trailers are not the best scenes with the Robots in it. Now these video clips look fantastic so now I just want to know how awesome it will be. Its less than a month away to release date and I am acting like a 5 year old wanting it NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW! I can’t help it though it looks phenomenal.
Overtime though you would think a love like this would deminish. I mean I am now 25 (almost 26) and deep down I still love those Big Shiny Robots who were stranded on Earth and stayed to protect us from the Evil that is among us. There is something deep down that just wants to believe in that story and want it to be true. Good vs Evil will always be an epic battle but Good Robots vs Evil Robots. Thats just awesome!