Wet and Wild few days!

Toronto has been an awesome experience, a fantastic metropolitan city that screams liveable city. Heaps of cool sport (although id have to go to Buffalo or Boston for decent football) and what seems to be a pretty laid back lifestyle out of work hours.

Spent yesterday checking out the big tourist attractions like the Rogers Dome (the new name for the Skydome) and the CN Tower, also went to the Hockey Hall of Fame and also wandered the city a bit.

Today went to Niagra Falls and it was amazing!!! We went on the Maid of the Mist and i managed to get through it without panicing to much. But it was crazy getting right up to the falls with so much water hitting you from just the mist. It was crazy!!! Also did a heli flight over the falls and took a whole heap of photos (i think about 300-400 all told today).

Last night though… lets just say it was VERY messy. I am not quite sure how much I drank (it was a lot) but i think once i started doing shots of vodka… all downhill from there. Had a lovely chat with Mr Porcelain and we had a great time… but he doesn’t like me now that i violated him last night…. a lot.

Back over the border to the USA tommorrow so the State list should increase a bit! Will probably update in Chicago in 2 days time…

Catch you on the flip