So tomorrow is my birthday (at least in US time) and as I wind down another trip around the sun I have to think back at how much has changed. 5 years ago on my 30th birthday at this exact moment I was sitting in a theatre in New York at The Colbert Report. It was an amazing experience and I loved every minute of it. I went on to run around Central Park and also do some other crazy things on my trip. I spent the evening of my actual birthday flying for the first time to Europe and that was a pretty amazing trip all on its own.
Back in Australia I used to look forward to this time of year due to the Ekka, but now over here in the USA it is more about SeaFair. I can look back over the last few years at my birthdays and see the total variations for each one. Each year has been different as well. Last year was a pretty quiet one with just me and Heidi, yet I have had great times in the past with other people (brunch at Barrio with a large group of friends was awesome).
So this year as I start my 35th year, I am looking forward to plenty of fun tomorrow with my friends and my new American family…
Happy Birthday to Me!