Book Review: Assholes Finish First

A short book, long commutes and we end up with a book review very quickly..


The book is Assholes Finish First by Tucker Max. This is the 2nd in the string of Tucker Max books that I have ready (#2 of 4 it seems) and after having read this one I still have to say, I don’t know if the stories are real, but either way they are a damn light hearted entertaining and funny read.

For the moment I will be reviewing E books (as I don’t have any real books left to read over here) so it is a bit different and I feel quicker to read (although with this one it has sat almost 9 months or so partially read since the last time I used my tablet) so this booking being fairly short (175 pages on a 7inch screen). It was still a fun read for me though and distracts you from your every day life very easily.

Tucker Max books are filled with drunken stunts, sexual exploits and lots of hilarity if you like reading about Crass, Crude people (which I do obviously), so this is definately a book for you. I didn’t know until today that there was 2 more books available in the series, so now I need to look into getting 2 more. For a full run down on who Tucker Max is or what sort of book your in for, you just have to check out his site as why read it from me, when he says it better in his own words.

His stories are always good to distract me from my life, and this book definately did that. Highly recommended but only if your into his style of writing… otherwise you will probably be offended… actually.. definately offended. hah!