The last 24 hours have been pretty rough, but i know that it is a far cry from what some people are feeling back home. Some pretty tragic news came to light last night that seemed to have forced some issues home.
I had been dealing with some personal stuff (as eluded to on Friday night) but to be honest, this all means nothing now. The petty things that have been going on in my life lately are now essentially nothing to me.
I can’t let that crap dictate my life, or get in the way. I need to make sure that I try and keep those friendships that I cherish, do everything I can with it all and savour each moment that I can. Even if this means giving up the way I feel at times and doing the right thing instead.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the people back home (you know who you are) who need my love, care and affection right now and I can’t be there to give it. Last night managed to hit home very very hard making me feel very very alone for the first time. Something a lot of people will say “your not alone” but to be honest, its not the same. But I will take what I can get. A conversation with a friend, a kind word here and there, a warm look, a smile from a random stranger. It all helps to make things just that little bit easier.
Right now I will keep pushing forward, try to keep myself focused on the job at hand, to keep my self moving forward and live my life as much as I can each and every day!