
Well reality sure has set in today. Today is the first real time I have thought to myself, “What did I get myself into?”

Pretty much today was a madhouse at work and it was one of those days when you get frustrated for no real reason (well I have lots of reasons but nothing that is life threatening etc, nothing that I can control) and you get all down. Now normally back home, I would have some form of support network. My friends, my family. But over here, I am a little bit on my own.

This is good usually, but on days like today, I just need a good hug, some kind words and just to be there for you. So it kind of adds to the lonelyness a bit. I don’t want to hassle my new co workers to much and I can’t really chat to anyone at home all to often due to the time differences. So things can be a little tough. I need to get my US support network up and running and there is always one place I can go to at any time of the day for something nice to say. May sound silly but there is always someone around on twitter for me to have a quick message or two from.

I guess having access to twitter means that I have friends all over the world who are just as kind and as caring as my friends back home and over here. Even though they aren’t physically able to give me a hug right now or anything like that, I know they mean it and they want to help.

News from over here though is that things are progressing. I am adjusting, I have kind of found one area that I am liking. At the moment I am staying in Renton with a co worker, she has offered to let me stay here with her and her husband for a week or so (although due to last minute plans may need to adjust that by a day or so). I like Renton. More on that soon though. Maybe tomorrow night, if the weather is good. Till then I will find my solice in a tub of diet jelly…. Lemon flavour i think tonight!